Sensual massage training to a professional standard.
The Practitioner Training is for both men and women wanting to learn sensual massage for females. These are individual one to one sessions, designed to take you from massage novice to practitioner level with further practice. It is aimed at those wanting to offer sensual massage on a part-time or full-time professional basis. Many also take part simply to enhance their skills for giving pleasure.
You will receive a minimum of 12 hours training given in 4 x 3 hour sessions, the dates and timing of which can be agreed with you when booking and subject to volunteer availability. Each of the 4 sessions will include a full 2 hours of massage with a different volunteer. Typically the sessions take place over a couple of weeks to give you time to rest, digest and practice after each session. This can be condensed in to 2 days with 2 sessions each day subject to volunteer availability if preferred.
The training covers basic Swedish massage strokes as well as sensual and erotic techniques. It is based on the Sensual Bodyworks Adventure Massage for which there are many good Massage Reviews. 75% of Sensual Bodyworks paid bookings are for this massage option.
There are no prerequisites for the course, and while some massage experience is useful, it is not essential. When booking I will arrange a call to understand more about your aims and motivation for the training and to ensure it is right for you. I will also need some details about you and a photograph to share with prospective volunteers.
The volunteers you'll be practicing with have all visited Sensual Bodyworks for at least one Adventure massage in the past so are familiar with the treatments. You may also arrange your own volunteer for one or more session which will reduce the cost.
After successful completion of the Practitioner Training and following at least 6 further practice sessions either on your own or in conjunction with Sensual Bodyworks, I will be happy to include you as an associate masseur when performing 4-hands massage on a professional basis. You may also make reference to Sensual Bodyworks and the training in your own marketing material which I can also assist with. See Practitioner Support for more details.
Session 1
The first session is predominantly to be able to observe a full Adventure massage end to end in order to know what you will be aiming for in the subsequent sessions. However you will be invited to join the massage at the midway point and towards the end of the routine.
Session 2
In the second session we will go through each of the strokes and techniques seen in session one in turn. Both explained and then demonstrated and then for the trainee to practice.
Session 3
The third session will repeat everything from the previous sessions but this time given as a 4 hand massage with trainer and trainee working together. It will introduce some additional considerations and strokes for when working in a 4-hand massage.
Session 4
For the fourth session the trainee will undertake the massage largely alone. I will be on hand in case you get stuck or need any advice, but will mostly observe in order to provide feedback once the massage is complete.
Additional further practice sessions can be arranged if required.
Practitioner Training 4 x 3 hr Training / 2 hr Massage £1050
Additional Practice 3 hr Training / 2 hr Massage £250
See all options visit see Sensual Massage Training.
To book a training session please complete the Training Request Form.
Recent Reviews of Practitioner Training
"Training... I did the practitioner training with Jools. I have always loved giving massages and wanted to improve my skills to be able to regularly give people and particularly my wife the best massage possible. The communication with Jools ahead of the sessions was really clear and we had a good half hour chat to provide a good understanding of how it would work and answer any questions. The training was spread across 2 days which were both about 6.5 hours long with one massage training session in the morning and another in the afternoon. I did them on consecutive weekends which worked really well for me as it provided a bit of a chance to assimilate what I learned but without being too long that forgot too much of it. Each of the training sessions involved practicing on a different massage model who were all absolutely lovely and were previous clients of Jools so knew what to expect.
Each session went through the adventure massage form start to finish. The first one was principally Jools doing the massage and me watching and the last one was principally me doing the massage and Jools watching and providing guidance with the two other sessions being a progression between the two. I found learning the massages needed a lot of concentration as there are a quite a few different techniques, strokes and a lot of effort which goes into making sure the massage flows and gradually builds in intensity and excitement. However, the four sessions worked really well to build my knowledge and understanding and skills both of the core massage strokes and the more intimate elements. As well as the massages I found Jools very engaging company when chatting over a cup of tea in between sessions.
The day after the second session I did the whole massage I had learned from start to finish on my wife. She was amazed at firstly how much I had learned and that I could remember a whole 2 hour massage and how good I was. She climaxed twice during the massage and then drifted off with a smile on her face which stayed for the rest of the day.
I think this is training that as many people as possible should do as it is just such a lovely gift to be able to share with people for a whole variety of reasons. I would thoroughly recommend Sensualbodyworks to anyone considering this."
September 24 - S (45-49) - Practitioner Training - Trustpilot 5 Stars
"Jools is a first-class massage trainer... I travelled from Switzerland to learn Jool's massage technique. There were four massage sessions over 2 days with 4 volunteers. Firstly a huge thanks to the volunteers for their time and trust. They all said how much they enjoyed the four-handed massage - I know they could tell which hands were doing the magic (Jools' obviuously) and which were more hesitant and yet they wre graceful about it and visibly had a pleasurable time. As a teacher Jools was superb- friendly, patient and didactic; as a masseur, masterful. I was also struck by the warm and trusting relationship he had with his clients who volunteered that day. Overall the training course exceeded my expectations by far and I think Jool's clients are fortunate to be in his competent and expertly sensuous hands.
July 24 - Joel (55-59) - Training - Trustpilot 5 Stars