Orgasms are a natural painkiller.
When you have an orgasm your body releases oxytocin, the natural feel-good chemical that floods your body giving rise to feelings of relaxation, bonding, happiness and other positive emotional thoughts. Research undertaken at Rutgers University has shown that this sensation can alleviate pain, anything from a headache to premenstrual cramps, pain after surgery and arthritis. Although the pain relief can often be short-lived, perhaps only 10 minutes, research suggests even thinking about sex can help alleviate pain, so get thinking those sexy thoughts.

Not all women find it easy to orgasm.
If you have ever found it difficult to reach orgasm, you are not alone. In 2018 a study found that up to 40% of women report having had difficulty reaching orgasm at one time or another. There can many contributing factors so it’s not always simple to identify the reason. The most common reasons are stress/anxiety, insufficient arousal, and lack of time during sex. Other less common factors include body image, inadequate lubrication, and medical issues. It can of course be a combination of factors and having orgasm as a goal can often create pressure making it less likely too. If it is a frequent occurrence it is recommended to visit your GP or other sexological practitioners.
Most women don't orgasm from penetration alone.
Studies suggest only about a quarter of women experience orgasm through penetrative sex alone. This is because most intercourse doesn’t give enough clitoral stimulation which most women need to experience an orgasm. If she is highly aroused through extended foreplay before intercourse begins the chances are greatly increased. For direct clitoral sensation, most women require oral or manual stimulation.
The four phases of orgasm.
The Sexual Response Cycle has four distinct phases, this is true for both men and women.
Desire - when arousal initially builds
Arousal - when arousal increases and levels off
Orgasm– the intense feeling of pleasure.
Resolution – when the arousal diminishes
However how long each phase last and the sequence can vary. For example, the desire phases can be just a few minutes or can last for hours. Often referred to as edging, Desire and Arousal phases can be repeated several times before finally reaching Orgasm. For many this can result in a much more powerful orgasm. Some women experience multiple consecutive orgasms in quick succession before the Resolution phase.
Older can be better for orgasms.
Who says getting older isn’t any fun? It turns out that as you get older when it comes to orgasms both the quality and frequency can improve. A survey showed that 61% of women ages 18 to 24 experienced orgasm the last time they had sex, 65% of women in their 30s did, and about 70% of women in their 40s and 50s did. Women in their 30s feel the most comfortable in their skin, but with age also comes confidence and more trust, which can allow women to relax and let go more. With age also comes experience and knowing what works for you, and that added confidence means women are more likely to ask for what they like.
What are the different types of orgasm?
Orgasms have a day.
Yes that's right, National Orgasm Day is July 31st. Its aim is to both celebrate orgasm and also to raise awareness of issues surrounding orgasm.