These sensual massage videos all feature genuine clients and real massages. They have been produced as a resource to support sensual massage training as well as giving prospective clients an idea of the options available.
They can also be great for couples to use as a guide wanting to practice massage together. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful.
The videos will show a short preview for free but to see them in full you must subscribe. If you subscribe using PayPal and need to cancel, you must do so from within the PayPal App or website.
Sensual Bodyworks Videos

Fireside Sensual Massage

Adventure Massage with Chrissy

City Centre Skyline

Sensual Bodyworks Intro
Be in a Video
If you would be interested in featuring in a video please get in touch. I'm keen to show diversity so all ethnicities, ages, shapes and sizes are welcome and encouraged to show that this is for all.