Support to help you create and grow your sensual massage a business.
Take the pain and guesswork out of getting started as a professional sensual masseur and short cut the start up process. Once you have completed the Practitioner Training and have carried out further practice massages, you will be ready to offer Sensual Massage on either a part-time or full-time professional basis. I now offer business support to share the secrets of how I run Sensual Bodyworks, what works and what doesn't.
I provide an initial 4 hr session in person and ongoing telephone support for 3 months. The following topics are covered:
Considerations for premises and room setup.
Safety & security.
Equipment and supplies.
Cleaning & Hygiene.
Further training and insurance.
Request forms and authority.
Pricing strategy, incentives and discounts.
Branding, website and SEO
Frequently asked questions.
Setting and maintaining boundaries.
Use and limitations of Social media.
Advertising including Google Ads
Testimonial, review sites and feedback.
Customer management, communication and GDPR.
In addition I will be happy to list your contact details on my website for 3 months to help you find your first clients. I can also provide or arrange website development, photography and video with post production and editing. I'll be happy to discuss any additional requirements to kick start your business.
Practitioner Support 4 hr intensive session £650 (includes 3 months subsequent telephone support).
Ongoing Monthly Support after initial 3 months £100 an hour.
See all options visit see Sensual Massage Training.